Tuesday, November 1, 2011

#9: Response to News Logs

During our discussion, the movie, A Beautiful Life, was brought up after a news log about the new movie 50/50 was shared. The movie was about a boy who had cancer and his friend was helping him through the grueling process. However, the movie had a positive, optimistic attitude, which is unusual for a movie about a cancer infected teenage boy. The class had mentioned how it was a relief because the normal view taken upon movies where a person is infected with cancer, is severely depressing. Which is why the movie A Beautiful Life was mentioned. I had never seen the movie, but the title did sound familiar to me. From what I gathered from the conversation, the film portrays an Italian family living through the holocaust and typically takes on a depressing mood. However, I heard that it does have light moments mixed into the drama. After this discussion, I am highly interested in watching this film because it seems very intriguing and from what I gathered, it is not your typical holocaust story (the same old depressing story), it does show glimpses of hope and the end is supposedly very touching. Therefore A Beautiful Life, is the film i shall watch when the weekend comes around!

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